Tuesday, 18 September 2012

1. The caped crusader, Batman, operated in which city? 
2. What was the name of Michael Jackson's famous chimpanzee companion? 
3. Which fruit gave its name to a desk top computer in 1984? 
4. What type of animal was Babe in the film of the same name? 
5. Who's slogan is Put a tiger in your tank? 
6. What colour are Superman's shorts? 
7. What is the unit of curr
ency in India?
8. What is the closest planet to Earth?
9. True or False - Hair yanked out by the roots will not grow back?
10. Which supermarket chain uses Jamie Oliver in their adverts?
11. What is Fred Flintstone's favourite sport?
12. True or False, Women blink twice as much as men?
13. What mineral is spinach high in?
14. What was the name of the green Tellytubby?
15. How many wings does a butterfly have?
16. What sort of hat did Laurel and Hardy wear?
17. Which cartoon dog has the initials "S.D." on his collar?
18. What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
19. Which TV animation has a robot called Bender?
20. What are the three primary colours in white light?

Here's the answers......

1. Gotham city
2. Bubbles
3. Apple
4. Pig
5. Esso
6. Red
7. The Rupee
8. Venus
9. False
10. Sainsburys
11. Bowling
12. True
13. Iron
14. Dipsy
15. Four
16. Bowler
17. Scooby Doo
18. Tinkerbell
19. Futurama
20. Red, Green and Blue

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